69 Rue du Long Pot, 59800 Lille, France.

Saker El Nour

Full Name: Saker El Nour
Current Position/ working group : program director

Short Biography:

Saker El Nour, a rural sociologist and Program director of the Action Network for a Just Transition in the Middle East and North Africa Region (RÉSEAU-TANMO), is an independent consultant with a PhD from Paris-Nanterre University. His work experience spans across reputable institutions including the American University of Beirut and the Freie Universität Berlin. His research focuses on political ecology, food sovereignty, and environmental justice in Arab nations, with comprehensive fieldwork conducted in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia. Notably, he co-authored “Merahrah Bread: Political Economy of Food Sovereignty in Egypt” (2021) co-edited “People and Water in Egypt: A Political Ecology Perspective” (2023).

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