69 Rue du Long Pot, 59800 Lille, France.

MENA Climate Change and Environmental Risks Focused Reporting Write-shop – 2023

MENA Climate Change and Environmental Risks Focused Reporting Write-shop – 2023
The “MENA Climate Change and Environmental Risks Focused Reporting Write-shop” project, a collaboration between RÉSEAU TANMO and Greenish and generously funded by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – Egypt Office, aims to serve as a comprehensive training program. It equips junior journalists, members of civil society organizations (CSOs), and early-career scholars with critical knowledge about environmental and climate justice studies in the Middle East and North Africa. Moreover, it offers a deep dive into the principles, practices, and ethics of environmental and scientific journalism.
This intensive program, running from March to December 2023, offers a vibrant platform for participants to analyze and discuss regionally focused readings and published studies, thereby confronting the unique challenges of the region. Guest researchers from the region are invited to enrich these discussions with their insights and experience.
The culmination of the project is a practical phase where participants have the opportunity to apply their new-found knowledge and skills. They develop and publish engaging and informative articles, which contribute not only to their professional growth but also to environmental and climate discourse in the region.
In this iteration of the project, we have the privilege of training 26 participants – junior journalists, early-career scholars, and members of CSOs – representing a variety of Arab countries. This endeavor solidifies our commitment to fostering a new generation of professionals adept in environmental and climate reporting in arabic.
  • Client : ANNA HALSON
  • Period : 14 - 07 - 2015
  • Location : United Kingdom
  • Author : ALANNA WISOZK