69 Rue du Long Pot, 59800 Lille, France.

Here Is our Services

RÉSEAU TANMO houses five dynamic working groups, each comprising a diverse team of researchers, journalists, and environmental activists. These groups, which have the potential for further expansion, collaborate to ideate and construct projects and programs that form the backbone of RÉSEAU TANMO’s mission.

Environmental and Climate Justice Working Group (ECJ)

Led by Saker El Nour, alongside Ahmed El-Adawy and Yasmine Hafez, this working group orchestrates numerous projects centered on understanding and analyzing the convergence of climate and environmental justice with scientific, activist, and journalistic knowledge. The group specializes in knowledge production tools, data analysis, and developing resources to aid popular education and public debates about climate and environmental justice in the Arab world.

Working Group on Environmental،cultural and social Movements and Activism (ECSM)

Under the leadership of political sociologist Carlene Burberry alongside Sara-lou Berthelot and Dr.Lucie Revilla, this group delves into the exploration and analysis of environmental social movements. The focus here lies in deciphering the dimensions, components, growth trajectories, determinants, strengths, and weaknesses of environmental activism.

Working Group on Environment and Climate Journalism (ECJM)

Formed by a cohort of journalists, this working group serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaborative work among environment and climate journalists in the Arab world. This space encourages mutual support and solidarity, aiding in the production of joint stories and providing advice and services to journalists to enhance their capabilities.

Workin Group on Environmental Economics and Climate Finance (EECF)

Led by economic researcher Mohamed Ramadan, this group explores issues of economic inequality, fund allocation for climate adaptation or mitigation, environmental laundering, and the role of fossil fuel companies. The team is committed to analytical and investigative work concerning climate finance and economics.

Working Group on Women & Environmental and Climate Risks (WECR)

This group specializes in analyzing and mitigating risks women face from environmental and climatic challenges. They explore the gender-climate-environment nexus and advocate for policy changes to strengthen women's resilience. Their goal is impactful change for women’s safety in a volatile environmental context. Journalist Hélène Servel leads the team.

Working Group on Women & Environmental and Climate Risks

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By working synergistically, these groups under RÉSEAU TANMO strive to fulfill our mission of advocating for just ecological, political, and social transitions. Each group contributes uniquely to our overarching goal of driving positive change towards a more just and sustainable world.