Full Name: Caroline Barbary
Current Position/ working group : President
Short Biography:
Caroline Barbary is a Postdoctoral researcher of the ERC StG project LIVE-AR. As part
of this project, she is working on the biographical consequences of Moroccan
activists who participated in the February 20th movement. She holds a PhD in
Political Sociology from Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her PhD thesis focused on the study of
networks of revolutionary youth in Egypt, their forms of collective action and their
recompositions during the period 2011-2017. From an in-depth empirical work and a
theoretical perspective combining subaltern studies and sociology of mobilizations,
she reconstructed the biographical trajectories of a multitude of actors, which she
articulated to the organizational dynamics of parties and informal collectives, and to
the political reconfigurations of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period.
After her PhD she followed the Early Career program funded by the Arab Council for
the Social Sciences (ACSS) and she was hosted at the CEDEJ in Cairo.
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